There are moments in life that carve themselves deeply into our being—moments that can steal away innocence, dim our light, and change how we see ourselves and the world. But life, with all its defining moments, taught me that true healing is an inner journey—one where we find the strength to rescue and rediscover ourselves. This is a story of letting go, reclaiming wholeness, and rekindling the spark within.

Recently, what I’m witnessing in my clients' sessions is that there’s always at least one defining moment, sometimes more, that has the potential to change the course of your life. For some, it's clear; for others, it's not as obvious. Yet, they find themselves confronting that moment, the one that snowballed and dimmed the innocence, the open heart, the joy for life, and cast a cloud of darkness that shifted how they think, act, perceive the world, and even how they feel, give, and receive love. That one event that robbed them of their wholeness.
Today I was listening to Adele's song "Love in the Dark" and I deeply love it so much as it always strikes deep chords in my soul. Some past memories surfaced and I thought about all that “unexpressed, repressed ocean of life within me” that sometimes has nowhere to go.
I thought of my younger self: so alive, so passionate, always cheerful. She wasn’t afraid to say things as they were, loved the spotlight, made others laugh, expressed her artistic side, and kept going regardless of what anyone said.
But then… things happened that a child should never experience. That spark began to fade, that fire cooled. She felt judged, misunderstood—she felt like “too much”. So she changed. She learned to repress, to hide, to silence herself, to sit quietly in a corner, to feel ashamed and undeserving.
For years, I molded myself, hoping people would love me, care for me… desperately seeking someone to rescue me from that darkness, to make me feel whole. If someone could take happiness away, surely someone could give it back?
Over time, I came to understand that no one could save me. It hurt to realise this, as it was the easy way out, the illusion my mind attached to so I wouldn’t have to confront things.
I understood I was the only one who could help myself. That realisation was another defining moment, one that would change my life again. And it did…
Where am I going with this? I guess just to tell you that life is full of moments—some good, some painful; some chosen, others not. Some make us feel like victims; others, like superheroes. But don’t let one defining moment rob you of your life. Don’t let past moments shape your present or future. Break free. Commit to reconnecting with who you were “before” anything happened to you.
Give your inner child the hope that someone is there to save them—that someone is YOU, from the future, like a superhero coming to make things right.
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